Ways to Own Your Brush Routine

Ways to Own Your Brush Routine

Ways to Own Your Brush Routine

Do you remember learning to brush your teeth? Let’s be honest - your distracted child-self probably cut corners with oral healthcare. If you’re anything like me, you squeezed out a huge glob of sweet blue paste, made a few hearty swipes, spat a foamy mess into the sink, and called it good. Now is a great time to take inventory of old habits and determine what we need to change. Here are a few tips that will take toothbrush time to the next level:

  1. Start with a water rinse to dislodge debris. Take a swig, swish it around, and spit out everything that comes loose.
  2. Hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to your teeth. This is the ideal angle for proper pressure and a thorough clean. Who are we to argue with science? 
  3. It’s tempting to go to town scrubbing your teeth, but you need to stop. Small circles are where it’s at. Treat your teeth like the individuals they are and brush them one by one.
  4. Can you imagine how nasty you’d feel if you only washed your hands once a day? Gross. Your mouth builds up sticky germs too - make sure to brush twice a day to keep them at bay. 
  5. Mentally categorize your teeth into four quadrants, and focus on one quadrant at a time: top right, top left, bottom right, and bottom left. In every section, make sure to hit the inside, outside, and base of each tooth.
  6. You know how when you’re holding a plank, you count your seconds just a little bit quicker? You’re probably not brushing long enough, either. Turn up a 2-minute brush jam on Spotify to give yourself the time you deserve. 
  7. Take care of your teeth right before bed so your brain associates brushing with bedtime. This helps your brain begin to relax when you brush, which builds a more pleasant experience.
  8. When you wake up, take a hot second to set your intentions for the day. Include a high-quality tooth brushing routine - your smile depends on it.
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