To balance your oral microbiome and achieve first-kiss-ready morning breath every time, build the following guide into your routine. You’ll reduce acidity caused by your mouth’s existing bacteria, prevent new bad-breath-causing bacteria from growing, and protect your good bacteria, which will flourish in your mouth’s valuable real estate and ensure your changes stick.
Did you know that a whole-food diet doesn’t guarantee you have all of your nutrients covered? The way we grow our food has changed. Industrial farming and monocropping have created worldwide soil mineral deficiencies, and our teeth and jaws are paying the price. Access our shelf of professional grade supplements curated to remedy our most common nutrient deficiencies and reinforce the building blocks of healthy teeth.
Check out the books that shaped our minds and informed our business. Holistic oral health care is just the tip of the iceberg. Dive into a world of human biology, microbiota, the wondrous magic of digestion, and how we’re interacting with our environment’s at all times. Not a reader? Check out the video knowledge base at
Digestion begins in the mouth, which gives us a great look into what could be going on in the body - but there's a lot below the surface! Book a session with Maddie to have a total body assessment and personalized nutrition advice. Using symptomatology as a modality to assess and support all your physical systems, she’ll help you learn to listen to your own body’s signals and understand how to respond and nourish. Every session you’ll walk away with more tools to connect back and remember that you are the expert on your own body.
Book a time to talk with Maddie
You’re probably not giving yourself enough time to brush. These songs have got you covered for a boppin’ sesh right through the 120th second! This playlist is for things that take two minutes (brushing, flossing, washing…). This playlist is not for throwing on at a party, working out, or other mood-specific activities. Every song is around 2 minutes, and that is the only thing they have in common. Go find another playlist for your backyard BBQ.